Bookkeeping specialists are primarily responsible for recording and managing business transactions for their clients’ daily financial activities. They record, oversee, and facilitate all the transactions associated with a certain account. Moreover, Bookkeepers protect their clients by ensuring that all the transactions are compliant with federal laws and regulations. Being a Bookkeeper, you can expect to work for a company or as a freelance employee.

Bookkeeping is a lucrative, in-demand, and remote-friendly career option. Even if you have absolutely no professional bookkeeping experience, you can get started with this career path. That said, you need to acquire the skills and learn the basics of business finance. And the best way to acquire the training is by enrolling in a certified professional Bookkeeper course.

The Alliance Computing Solutions (ACS) is a leading institute offering a certified Bookkeeping specialist training program in NY. Whether you are a beginner or want to acquire advanced-level skills, our training program is designed to provide practical knowledge and hands-on training to aspiring professionals looking to advance their careers, prepare for a superior professional designation or earn a certification.

    Our training program consists of

  • Excel for Accounting
  • Accounting Fundamentals
  • Payrolls
  • Quickbooks

We believe Bookkeepers can leverage various professional accounting software programs such as Office 365 Suite and QuickBooks to make their roles more efficient and data-driven. Thus, our bookkeeping classes will also introduce students to software programs such as Office 365 and Quickbooks.

QuickBooks is the leading accounting software that became widely popular after its launch by Intuit. It is an easy-to-use accounting software solution that can easily handle the accounting needs of business owners. Nowadays, small businesses are more extensively using QuickBooks to manage their sales and income by creating invoices and recording all their business transactions.

Since skilled bookkeeping specialists are highly in demand, learning advanced skills, such as creating spreadsheet data analysis, customized presentations, and using QuickBooks, can be an excellent way to get ahead in the competitive job market.

What will you learn in the Bookkeeping Specialist program?

To become a Certified Bookkeeper, you will need to get enrolled in a Bookkeeping Training Program. ACS offers a specialized Bookkeeping Specialist (900 hrs) program that covers business communication, MS Office 365, Accounting fundamentals, QuickBooks, and bookkeeping.

During the training, students will learn to:

    Manage business revenue and sales

  • Creating invoices and recording sales per client
  • Keeping track of all business expenditures and accounts payable
  • Analyze and monitor business’ productivity and stability
  • Efficiently set up and manage employee payrolls with QuickBooks for W-2 payroll.
  • Managing inventory with QuickBooks
  • Reconciling bank account and creating an efficient filing system to keep track of all the business finances
  • Using fraud prevention and Internal control features
  • Minimizing and correcting any accounting errors

We also provide business communication training along with Bookkeeping training to help you enhance your business communication skills, especially in writing. So, if you want to learn advanced-level skills to become a professional Bookkeeper, get enrolled in a certified Bookkeeping training program at Alliance Computing Solutions (ACS).

Not everyone can afford a traditional college education, unfortunately. However, vocational training schools serve as a noteworthy alternative means to prepare individuals for specific careers that require technical skills, such as bookkeeping, teaching, or medical technician work. According to the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), 97% of high school graduates in the United States completed at least one vocational training course in 1992, and 87% finished one or more “occupationally specific” courses.”

Last year, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that 69.1% of high school graduates (ages 16-24) were enrolled in universities in October 2018. Thus, slightly more than 30% of Americans in this age group graduated in 2018 essentially unprepared for the workforce. Factor in the high numbers of recent college graduates (defined by the BLS as people between the ages of 20 and 29) who are either unemployed or underemployed (up to 41% underemployment among recent grads in 2019) and this education option is essential. As the COVID-19 (coronavirus) disease continues to spread, however, many institutions, including vocational training schools, have been transitioning toward offering courses online, via digital learning tools like Google Classroom, video conferencing programs, and chat rooms.

ACS is the best place to enroll in vocational training courses in Manhattan. Here are how this type of education has evolved in recent years and the results it has produced.

Purpose Of Vocational Training Courses

After the Perkins Act was passed in 1984 to authorize federal financial support for vocational education programs, the NCES conducted a study that revealed vocational training students were more likely to end up working in their field of study than their counterparts who chose to earn traditional, four-year degrees. Part of the reason for this trend relates to the fact that vocational students obtain more hands-on learning in tandem with theoretical lessons and, therefore, can sometimes have more skills to “sell” when seeking their first job.

NCES’s research also suggested that several employers today tend to focus more on vocational students’ specific accomplishments (and GPAs in certain cases) than on the total number of years job candidates spent in school. Thus, if you were able to handle a crisis situation efficiently and by using proper resources and methodologies, you can describe this achievement during an interview and potentially impress a recruiter.

Contact ACS For More Information

Reach out to ACS in Manhattan, New York to learn more about how detailed vocational training courses can prepare you for a career in today’s economy. ACS offers a Bookkeeping Specialist with Business English course and a Medical Assistant Program, which will prepare you to work in physician offices, hospitals, inpatient and outpatient clinics, long-term care facilities, and insurance companies, among other healthcare-related locations.

Our hands-on courses are taught by senior-level experts in these fields in state-of-the-art classrooms and open-access labs. We provide nights, weekends, and evening classes, are licensed by the NY State Department of Education and are accredited by the Council on Occupational Education (COE). Call ACS today at (212) 868-5990 or contact us online for more information.

English is one of the most commonly spoken languages in the world, and it is becoming more common for English to be the standard or default language in many workplace settings and international settings. It is important as the workforce becomes more global and diverse that we are able to communicate with one another. Learning another language can be difficult, and it can be easier when you are learning with others that you can practice your language mastery skills. If you’re looking to enroll in English language courses in Manhattan or Brooklyn, then ACS wants to help you with your language learning goals. has been providing English as a second language course for any non-native English speakers looking to learn English. Our programs are taught by our highly-trained instructors who have years of experience in teaching the fundamentals of the English language. This includes speaking, reading, listening, grammar, reading, writing, and comprehension. Our course is aimed to help students enhance their communication skills. With our classes at, our students will acquire the skills that will help them gain employment in English speaking environments or can be used to help them further their studies. Our students work closely with the instructors during this intensive course and should be expected after the successful completion of the course to be able to gain fluency in the English language.

Employers look favorably on potential employees who can speak more than one language. It helps set them apart from other candidates. After completion of their ESL certification courses, students can find that there are plenty of career avenues open to them. Many involving jobs that can take them across the world. has been helping students who are interested in expanding their skill set to meet the demands of a diverse workforce.

For over 20 years, ACS has been providing a wide range of courses, beginning with introductory-level courses in computers to the highest levels of certification available across multiple industries. ACS takes immense pride in providing excellent levels of knowledge on information technology and other professional career training fields throughout multiple industries. If you are interested in enrolling in English courses in Brooklyn or Manhattan, then call us today at (212)868-5990.

Computer Training Manhattan

In today’s modern world, learning how to use technology is essential. Whether it’s for work, school, or personal communication, the ability to use a computer is an important skill to have. Have you grown tired of not knowing how to properly use a computer? Are you up for a promotion, looking for career advancement opportunities, or simply looking to change careers? If you answered yes to any of those scenarios, it might be time for you to consider getting trained by the experts here at ACS. Our specialists offer the best instruction for anyone in need of computer training in Manhattan or computer training in Queens.

Did You Know?

Dating back as far as 1997 (over 22 years ago), employers have been looking to hire employees with at least a basic understanding of how to use a computer properly. In today’s world (2019), the following statistics published by Cornell are even more relevant:

  1. Over 75 percent of the employers stated that knowing basic graphics or presentation software was important.
  2. With regard to general network skills, over 93 percent of employers expected email experience, while 63.3 percent expected competency with online or Internet searching.
  3. With regard to numerical data skills, such as those needed for spreadsheet programs, the ability to perform numerical analysis was expected by over 86 percent of employers.

Those statistics, of course, don’t come close to factoring in the expectations of today’s current job market. You’re never too young or too old to become “computer literate.” Even if you’re not looking for a new job or career advancement opportunities, having the ability to effectively use computer technology can help better connect you to the world around you.

Are You Ready To Get In Touch With Our Computer Training Experts At ACS?

Whether you are looking for the best computer training in Manhattan or computer training in Queens, ACS is the best training school in the area! We have years of experience and specialize in a variety of additional training areas as well. Our primary goal is to equip students with the technical knowledge needed to succeed in any area. Regardless of why you need quality Computer Training in NYC, when you choose to attend ACS, you’ll be learning from some of the best instructors you’ll find anywhere. We hope to see you soon. Enrollment fills up quickly, so be sure to give us a call today!

Times change almost as quickly as people change out cell phones. As our world looks to become more of a connected and global economy, we are also learning how to interact better. There are a number of good reasons for someone to take an English Language Course in Manhattan, NY or English Language Course in Brooklyn, NY. Here are some reasons why learning English as a second language is such an important thing for any Non-English speakers:

  • Over 20% of the world’s population speaks English.
  • Over 20% of the United States population speaks English and a second language.
  • The majority of US Citizens speak English. If you’re living in the United States for an extended time/or permanently, learning how to speak English will help you navigate through daily life in the United States much easier.

Forming A Global Bond

There aren’t many better feelings in this world than having the ability to communicate with someone from a different culture. Doing so in that person’s native tongue is an even better feeling. Some people learn a new language before traveling abroad. Many others also learn a new language to try and form new bonds, friendships, or to simply enjoy different experiences. Learning English as a second language here at ACS of New York can help you form a global bond that will help you feel more connected to the world at large. It can also help you better integrate into the community around you here in the United States as well.

Forming New Business Opportunities

Have you ever tried applying for a new job, but the recruiter only spoke English? Have you been trying to start a new business, build new contacts, or maybe just improve your relations with native English speakers? Learning English as a second language here at ACS of New York can help you achieve all of those things and more.

Get In Touch With The Experts Here At ACS Today!

Are you looking for some of the best English As A Second Language instruction in NY? Get in touch with the experts here at ACS today. We have years of experience within the training & education fields in a variety of service areas. But one of our biggest passions is helping people learn English As A Second Language. ACS hopes to see you at one of our classes soon!

If you want to start your own business, it takes lots of responsibilities from recording sales to producing invoices and paying employees. Therefore, it’s impossible to do everything on your own. Professionals like bookkeepers are what you need to increase the potential of your business. Whether you own a small or large business, bookkeeping will help you to keep the records for your business. Bookkeeping is a time-consuming process, which begins the day you start your business to the day you close doors. So, you must hire a bookkeeping professional to manage your business records. If you or anyone you know is interested in pursuing a bookkeeping career, enrolling in a reputable bookkeeping training school in Manhattan is mandatory. We at Alliance Computing Solutions offers a variety of bookkeeping training programs in Manhattan.We’re here to give business owners an overview of what bookkeeping requires so that they can:

  • Determine which bookkeeping method is the best match for their business.
  • Apply proper bookkeeping practices.
  • Decide whether their business really require bookkeeping.

Do you know, what is bookkeeping? If you’ve little or no knowledge about bookkeeping, first, let’s learn more about bookkeeping. What is Bookkeeping? – It includes the recording of financial transactions related to business expenses and is an essential part of the accounting in business. These transactions include receipts, sales, purchases, and payments done by an individual or a corporation. You can choose from several standard methods of bookkeeping, including the single-entry bookkeeping system and double-entry bookkeeping system. Importance of Bookkeeping – Doesn’t matter if you own a pop culture news site or a multi-billion corporate company, practicing proper bookkeeping techniques is a must. What type of bookkeeping method you use depend on you and your business requirements. However, if you’re not using a third party bookkeeping service, then you must maintain proper records of your business transactions. Here are some of the bookkeeping practices: Instead of explaining the things you can do in bookkeeping, we’ve given common bookkeeping pitfalls and tips to prevent them. Unreconciled Transactions – If you have unreconciled transactions on your books, you must think and act chronologically to complete your books. Loan Payments – Got loan payments on your books? This could be because you may not have accounted for the interest and principle of the payments correctly. So, make sure you account for interest as well as the principle. Inventory count – Having inaccurate values of inventory and cost of goods could be due to a discount, or the result of common theft. Especially business owners with a physical product must stay current on inventory to properly keep their books. Payroll – Similar to a bicycle wheel, payroll also needs truing. This requires your income statement show payroll at gross without making a manual adjustment to the standard bank feeds. Accrual Basis Bookkeeping – Numerous accounts undergo manual updation at the end of the year. Well, it is a difficult task if you lack an accounting background. So, it is better an accountant takes care of it. Most people have a question, should they do their own bookkeeping? Well, whether they should or not do their own bookkeeping depends on a few things, such as time and expertise, as bookkeeping is a time-taking process and require different types of compliance and regulations. Therefore, hiring a bookkeeping professional is the best decision. If you think, this career is right for you, enroll yourself in one of the best bookkeeping institutes. Are you looking for bookkeeping training in Manhattan? Feel free to call us – Alliance Computing Solutions.

Like any other professional, a robotics technician requires to possess hard as well as soft skills. Although you might be pro at electronics theory, you do need to have systems thinking head as well. If you want to become a good roboticist, you need to possess a variety of skills. Whether you already work as a robotics technician or looking for ways to robotics career, you need to know that roboticist is a unique engineer. The path to a robotics career requires you to possess certain skills to become a good robotics technician. With robotics technician training classes in Flushing, you can acquire the right knowledge and practical skills. We, at Alliance Computing Solutions, intend to prepare students for the IT industry.

All careers require a different balance of skills. The following are the skills you need to possess to become a great robotic technician.

Systems thinking – As robots are complex systems, so you need to be good at electronics, mechanics, programming, electrics, sensing, and cognition and psychology as well. If you want to become a good roboticist, you need to understand how these different systems work together. Unlike a mechanical engineer, a roboticist must be well-trained in all the different specialisms.

Active learning – Generally, a robotics technician training has many topics, and it is not possible to learn all before you use them for a project. Even though, after spending five years in under graduation and giving three years for Ph.D., you can’t learn all of them. However, the skill of active learning can be a great help throughout your career.

Good communication skills – Be it any career, good communication is essential to have a successful career. Being a roboticist, you need to explain robotic concepts to non-specialists or lay-men. For instance, you might have to explain a structural mechanics issue to a computer scientist or to a mechanical engineer you might explain a high-level programming problem. A good roboticist is a means of communication between the different. Hence, it’s important to have good communication skills.

Complex problem solving skills – As the robotics career involves complicated robots systems, you need have skills in solving complex problems you’ll face during your career. One such skill is Foreseeing Problems – which means to fix the issues before they arise, and troubleshooting them if they come up.

Decision making – As a good roboticist, you need to continually make engineering decisions throughout the career. When it comes to finding solutions, robotics has a lot of choices, and there is no single correct solution. Because of the wide knowledge foundation of robotics, which helps you to weigh up certain problems better than engineers.

Persistence – With the complexity of robotics, persistence is an essential skill every roboticist need to possess. You need to persistence in finding the solution to a specific system problem or persistence in explaining intricate concepts of robotics to non-specific people. Being a good roboticist, you will also need to support your persistence with dependability to prove yourself as adaptable and knowledgeable as robotics career requires.

These are some of the top skills you need to possess to become a good roboticist. Are you looking for an institute that offers robotics technician training? Feel free to approach us.

Electrocardiograph technicians (EKG), popularly known as cardiographic or electrocardiogram technicians are appointed to conduct tests. They assist doctors in making an analysis of cardiovascular ailments in patients. In order to become an EKG technician one has to get enrolled in our EKG technician certification classes in the Bronx.

n the present era, the risk of cardiovascular diseases such as heart attacks and various other heart ailments have been increasing at an alarming rate. An EKG technician performs tests that record the condition of the heart and detects any underlying heart ailment. It is of immense help in treating and identifying cardiovascular problems in patients. At ACS Inc., we believe that health is the most important aspect of human life and thus train our students accordingly. We induce standardization along with perfection in our training courses.

The key role played by an EKG technician is to maintain a record of the heart activities of patients and operate the equipment that records these activities. Initially, the EKG Technician records the patient’s history. Next, electrodes are attached to a patient’s chest, arms, and legs. The physician will require a printout of the heart rate of the patient, thus, the electrodes are used to trace the same.

There are various specialization courses available that an EKG technician can undertake in order to look for better career prospects. We, at ACS Inc., provide a wide range of courses for prospective EKG technician aspirants.

Benefits Of Obtaining EKG Technician Certification In New York

EKG technicians are proficient in identifying the potential risks associated with heart ailments. They can also identify any heart birth defects or any issues with your heart valves. There is a lot of career scope for an EKG technician if he takes up higher studies. The top benefits of becoming an EKG technician are listed below:

Great Career Choice: The medical industry is on a projected boom, therefore, it is a great career choice as a lot of jobs will be generated related to this field respectively. It offers various growth prospects that will help you in enhancing your skills and prosper in your career. An EKG technician can take up higher studies and conduct heart tests along with stress tests. They generally assist a physician but can operate privately as well.

Practical Experience: Since an EKG technician assists a physician in carrying out tests and analyzing the heart conditions, he gains practical knowledge which is helpful in polishing his skills and gain practical experience.

Good Package: An EKG technician is offered good salary packages. This entirely depends upon the level of education and the certification course that a prospective EKG technician undertakes.

We, at ACS Inc., are committed to providing up-to-date courses to our students. We possess state-of-the-art equipment to impart practical knowledge to them. If you are looking for an EKG technician certification program, contact us.

With the increase in trade relations between companies from all over the globe, the English language has rapidly become a common language of communication during business meets conferences, presentation, etc. This is not only for companies in English speaking countries, but English has also become popular for companies from countries having English as their second language. This increasing demand for English in every business sector requires more institutes providing English language training specialized for business. Alliance Computing Solutions in Manhattan, provide several English language courses for individuals looking to improve their English communication and written skills.

In today’s fast-moving world, business English is what one should know in order to communicate, join and compete in the international market. Hence, the importance of good English in business can’t be undervalued in the age of the new global business market.

If you want to improve your business communication skills, consider including these tips into your learning plan:

Set specific goals – Learning could be more effective if done by setting specific goals, which are challenging as well as achievable. Don’t have an open-ended timeline, push to your limit and test yourself with clear deadlines. For an instance, a goal like “I want to deliver a presentation in English,” is not so encouraging. Instead say, “I want to deliver a ten-minute English presentation on sales goals, without using a PowerPoint, by the end of this month.

Create habits to learn English – Create habits or find ways that help you in learning English. Regular practice builds momentum and makes you habitual of learning. For example, make an effort to read at least on business a day, pen down your weekly team updates in English, or give a presentation in English one day a week.

Believe in yourself – Often people who believe in their own self-efficacy are more willing and inspired to take on challenging tasks. Try to revise your goals and make them easier at the beginning or more achievable until you start to believe you can achieve it.

Make your learning experience enjoyable – Learners having more positive attitudes towards their leanings make more efforts and learn more as compared to people with negative attitudes. Try to make your English learning more enjoyable, creative such as by reading the English version of your favorite novel or book.

Use genuine English materials – Textbooks and practice tests come with limitations such as time and place. But genuine materials such as podcasts, TV shows, and TED talks, give an exposure to native English. They prepare you to face real-life situations and are more interesting as compared to the strictly educational materials. Find out good writing, listen to the great speakers, and try to imitate the style, format, pattern, and language of your idol.

At Alliance Computing Solutions (ACS), we offer special English language courses in Manhattan. You can choose from the certification courses that may interest you.

As one of the leading medical assistant training schools in Brooklyn, we get numerous applications for the medical assistant courses. While the students are fascinated with the healthcare sector and the course itself, they are not sure about the career opportunities or the fact why should they stay as medical assistant.

According to the studies done by  various institute, the career as a medical assistant shows the job growth of minimum of 23 percent. This is about 3 times more than other careers in healthcare sector. As a medical assistant, you will be handling patient insurance, billing and a variety of healthcare duties.

Want to know more? Here are 4 reasons why you should opt for medical assistant as a career choice:

  1. Career projection
    Healthcare industry is one of the rapidly growing employment sectors in the country. As mentioned above, the career as a medical assistant in this sector offers the job growth of about 23 percent. The hasty growth has been attributed to the aging Baby Boomer generation. The aging generation requires medical assistant and thus, visit the hospitals and other healthcare institution fairly often. Thus, the need of medical assistants has risen as the doctors need help with the variety of medical procedures.
  1. Accessibility
    Another reason why career as a medical assistant is the best is the accessibility. All you need is to opt for the medical assistant course, complete the dedicated number of hours and clear the (CMA) Certified Medical Assistant exam. The course at Alliance Computing Solutions (ACS) will impart you with practical as well as theoretical knowledge about your responsibilities in the organizations.
  1. Licensed trade
    Similar to the doctors and nurses, medical assistant is a licensed trade. This means that you will have to clear the Certified Medical Assistant exam (CMA). The certification provides you with a wide range of career opportunities and places to work with. As the test includes the in depth understanding of various procedures, it is important that you study hard and clear it with good grades. While the certification is not required by all the institutes, it opens the doors for a huge variety of opportunities. It also marks you as a professional individual.
  1. Predictable schedule
    The healthcare professionals have irregular working hours. This makes profession of medical assistant odd one out as you will have a predictable working schedule and steady working hours. You can also choose to work  in medical clinics and urgent clinic centers for better hours. If you don’t have any problems with cray schedule, you can even opt to work in multi speciality hospitals.

Do you want to be a part of healthcare sector? Interested in being a medical assistant? Opt for our medical assistant course! As one of the leading Medical assistant training schools in Brooklyn from last 37 years, you will have unlimited career and educational opportunities with us!